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Developer. Engineer. Photographer. Cinematographer. World Adventurer.
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Tribute in Light

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Standing on the edge of the East River in Brooklyn, I captured a moment that transcends time: the blue beams of the Tribute in Light piercing the Manhattan skyline on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. There's no better name for this photo than the one it carries—it's simply what it is, a tribute. For me, seeing these lights was more than just a photography goal; it was an image I'd long dreamed of creating.

I think anyone who lived through that day can vividly recall where they were and what they were doing. The events of 9/11 forever altered history, leaving an indelible mark on each of us. Standing there that night, the gravity of the moment was inescapable, the lights stretching endlessly into the sky like a silent vow of remembrance.

For the 20th anniversary, I made the pilgrimage to New York City, determined to experience this tribute in its fullest. I spent the night walking over 20 miles, capturing perspectives from New Jersey, Manhattan, and Brooklyn. While each angle had its beauty, this composition stood out. It's the one you've likely seen before in Twilight Passage. It felt like the perfect representation of a night spent honoring memory, resilience, and hope.

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